Connecting the disconnected through innovative fintech solutions

Cartoon illustration of crumpled paper, loose change, forms, a bank card, and a mobile phone capturing a receipt. The scene is messy.

Organisations, government departments and consumers continue to navigate outdated systems and processes to complete mundane tasks.

It’s often the case that the latest in technological innovation is naturally embedded within new products and systems as they are designed, developed and introduced to the market.

This is all well and good, but what about those systems which are so entrenched in the ways that we all live and work, that organisations and individuals simply “put up” with the laborious processes associated with them?

This is undoubtedly the situation we find ourselves in with the financial reconciliation of payment data.

Cartoon illustration of crumpled paper, loose change, forms, a bank card, and a mobile phone capturing a receipt. The scene is messy.

Organisations, government departments and consumers continue to navigate outdated systems and processes to complete mundane tasks.